I have wonderful childhood memories that began when I was about 9 years old or so, learning to ski at “Andy’s” which I think was Sugarbush Hill, near Otter Lake. What a great way for a kid to spend winter weekends, morning lessons struggling up the hill with the rope tow, and the free for all in the afternoon with friends.

I remember it was certainly not much of a “lodge”!! Warming up by a fire, sitting on wooden benches. Then the school buses from the back of a bowling alley, load all the skis on top of each other in the back and pile in, off to Calabogie. Every Saturday, every winter, for as long as I lived in SF.

It was a wonderful club to belong to. An experience every child or entire family should have. I’m still skiing and enjoying the great outdoors and it was due in part to the Rideau Ski Club.